Know yourself

What’s good everyone? Want to know what I think is good? Knowing yourself is. I feel like in today's day and age people are beginning to realise the importance of emotional intelligence and I believe knowing yourself is connected to that when it comes to you as an individual.
It's of extreme importance to know yourself because even though there are people who are there for you, it's only you who goes through everything you go through. Every single, up, down, win, loss and challenge you encounter.
If you don't know yourself you will find it hard to take care of and better yourself, therefore, I would advise everyone to study themselves. It is a necessity.
Learning about myself has helped me overcome bad habits and mental struggles. I know that I love Oreos. This may seem minuscule compared to your struggles but there have been many times I’ve had a bad day then said let me buy some Oreos to cheer me up. This may sound silly to some people but its real life. Some other things which can change my mood for the better are: playing basketball, listening to music, reading my affirmations and meditation.
I have playlists for everything, even one to help me go to sleep.
Each of these has its disadvantages too. For example, as much as I love meditating I may not always have the time or space to do it. I can’t always resort to eating Oreos because it will have negative effects on my health. I can't play basketball all day, my body would probably break. What I am trying to say is, when doing whatever makes you happy, please make sure it is done within reason and not to an extent where it can have negative effects on you.
Learning about yourself isn’t something that is done in one day but it does start to give it some thought going about your day. Analyse yourself.
Increasing your self-awareness/learning about yourself allows you to pick out your positive and negative traits.
I know I will always hold myself accountable which may sound like a good thing but then when dealing with people who always point the finger first I have to now take a step back and judge if it is truly all my fault. If I never realised that I tend to always blame myself first then I may never have stopped letting people place blame on me.
I always find myself starting a task then starting another before finishing the last one then next thing I know I'm halfway through completing 5 different tasks. Depending on the situation this can be a good or a bad thing.
So what I want to say to you is to find out, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what makes you mad, how you react to things etc. Because it will help you overcome any future struggles you may face and help you cut out any negative traits. Thank you - Anthony Orija.
Thank you for the read, I hope it was a good one! Let me know if there is anything you are unclear about or if you have a topic you would like to see me talk about. Until next time.
If you don't know yourself you will find it hard to take care of and better yourself, therefore, I would advise everyone to study themselves. It is a necessity.
Learning about myself has helped me overcome bad habits and mental struggles. I know that I love Oreos. This may seem minuscule compared to your struggles but there have been many times I’ve had a bad day then said let me buy some Oreos to cheer me up. This may sound silly to some people but its real life. Some other things which can change my mood for the better are: playing basketball, listening to music, reading my affirmations and meditation.
I have playlists for everything, even one to help me go to sleep.
Each of these has its disadvantages too. For example, as much as I love meditating I may not always have the time or space to do it. I can’t always resort to eating Oreos because it will have negative effects on my health. I can't play basketball all day, my body would probably break. What I am trying to say is, when doing whatever makes you happy, please make sure it is done within reason and not to an extent where it can have negative effects on you.
Learning about yourself isn’t something that is done in one day but it does start to give it some thought going about your day. Analyse yourself.
Increasing your self-awareness/learning about yourself allows you to pick out your positive and negative traits.
I know I will always hold myself accountable which may sound like a good thing but then when dealing with people who always point the finger first I have to now take a step back and judge if it is truly all my fault. If I never realised that I tend to always blame myself first then I may never have stopped letting people place blame on me.
I always find myself starting a task then starting another before finishing the last one then next thing I know I'm halfway through completing 5 different tasks. Depending on the situation this can be a good or a bad thing.
So what I want to say to you is to find out, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what makes you mad, how you react to things etc. Because it will help you overcome any future struggles you may face and help you cut out any negative traits. Thank you - Anthony Orija.
Thank you for the read, I hope it was a good one! Let me know if there is anything you are unclear about or if you have a topic you would like to see me talk about. Until next time.
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