STOP letting the length of the journey stop you from getting where you want to be.

You Do not need to conqor the world in a day, take a breath. Slow down. 

So many times when I think about what I want to do in life I think that's it's such a hard and long of a journey it will be. 

MLK said “Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase. ” so we need to have faith in order to know that we will eventually get to where we need to be ( the top of the staircase). 

Once we have faith in ourselves, faith that we are more than capable of completing whatever we've set out to do. 

I'm juggling a lot at the moment at university and its very easy for me to feel overwhelmed with big and little tasks from dissertations, going gym, basketball practice, cooking and the Blog, Youtube/ podcast however really and truly I am going to keep on feeling overwhelmed until I know I can do all I wish to & decide to actually get up and start getting things done. 

There is no point in stressing / worrying /overthinking over/ about the journey because you probably have to get through it to get to where you want to be anyway. 

Why delay our missions just because we know it'll take long to complete it? 

Some of the sweetest fruit longest to grow...

Thank you, I hope you enjoyed the read


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