Hello I'm back again.
This time with a short story... a story about how I WAS INFLUENCED.
I was walking down the street on my way home from library and I bumped into my friend from university.
Normally with us its just a quick ' Yo' and 'Whats good?' this time we actually stopped for a short conversation...
Now this conversation was literally about 30 seconds.
He came across as so happy while speaking to me that it actually made me happy!
Not to say that I was down in the dumps or anything but he was able to boost my energy, making me even happier, though all we said was what we were about to do...
FYI he said "I'm good bro, just about to go gym."
I replied "oh, that's calm, I'm about to go season chicken for the week."
Many of you reading must be really confused about why I felt so happy after this interaction or even what influenced me and I don't blame you. Its extremely hard to describe what it was but this is a blog so let me attempt to do so. I love to see my people happy and I love bumping into friends...
So many people have so much going on in their heads that don't even look happy at a glance. I see my friend, Manny, walking down the road with a big smile on his face and I don't know if it was on purpose or not but you know when people are happy and they have a little bop in their walk? YUP, he was doing that to. So I could instantly tell he was in a good mood before he even opened his mouth.
We had the conversation and continued on our paths. Normally after seeing a friend the buzz goes down and I resume back to however I was feeling BUT this time I STILL HAD IT. Its definitely an unusual thing to experience, well for me anyway but I believe its a good one.
One that I want to have much more of.
One that I want to be able to bring to others.
I feel as if we don't think about how we can rub of and impact someone with an interaction lasting as little as 30 seconds with our emotions. Imagine everyone being so happy that we all just boost each others happiness. I understand that life happens and its not good to mask/fake your true emotions so we wont always be able to do it but I think we should still aspire to do so.
Thank you for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it.
Connect with me on my socials: INSTAGRAM: GRANDADAO Instagram.com/GrandadAO TWITTER: GRANDADAO_ Twitter.com/GRANDADAO_
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