Keep working on yourself until you are the best version of yourself. If your someone that wants the very best life they can possibly live then the only way you can do that is by being the best you.

I know I’m saying best a lot but that’s because it’s just that simple. While listening to this, In fact, write down the attributes, habits, traits etc that the best version of you will have. 

Then once you have done that go onto working out how you can obtain them. 

The best version of me is happy, financially stable, has a gym body, always organised, reliable, focused, giving, caring, healthy, close relationships to God, independent, disciplined, happy, loved, open-minded, communicative, productive, doing what I love and there for my people.  

In my personal opinion, these are the connotations that come with me being the best version of myself. What thoughts come to you when you think of the best version of yourself? Only you can decide what the best of yourself is. 

Which is why you need to know yourself because if you don’t then it’s easy to say you want things which you don’t truly want and then becoming someone your not. 


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