WORK AND PLAY Its your Grandad AO, Welcome back growth family. Managing work and play will be a big factor in all of our lives, especially for students who always have the opportunity to do both. In order to do both we need to manage how much we work and how much we play. If we don't then it is very easy for us to fall into a bad situation. In order to be able to balance work and play then there is a few things that need to be addressed. Your ability to SACRIFICE is most most important. Me, you and the whole of the growth family all have big aspirations. We all want to achieve great things. With all great things come great things come greater sacrifice. Regardless of what your goal is. There will be a time where you have to say NO to play so you can work. You need to know when to say YES and when to say NO . Decide what your balance is and stick to it. It may be 70% work and 30% play or 50 50. Balance does not mean equal. Find ou...