Hello everyone, I'm back again. Let me quickly give you some pointers on how to be productive. 

Being productive will allow you to get more tasks completed within the day. 
So lets get started. 

The first thing which can allow you to be more productive in the day is having more time in the day. How can you have more time in the day???

Yes I said it. And I said it because it's true. However, just because it's true doesn't mean that it is easy. I've tried to do it before and successfully did for a few weeks but eventually, I fell out of it. To wake up early it means that you have to go to bed early too, and when you live with your friends at university it can be extremely hard if you are like me and struggle with self-discipline. 
Waking up early is so advantageous because you don't have many things if anything to distract you. Nobody is texting your phone, nobody saying let's do this. Additionally, because you've made the effort to wake up early your not going to want to waste your time. Therefore you will be much more focused on completing whatever you need to do that day. Just to make it clear, I am in no way advising that you reduce your sleeping hours, Im merely suggesting that to be more productive we finish our days earlier and start them earlier. Most of the time all we are doing after 9/10pm is watching Netflix or up on social media, probably for no reason. (As a lowkey social media addict, personally, I'm triggered)

NEXT, make a list either before you go to bed or as soon as you wake up. It can be better to make it before you go to bed because of that way when you wake up. You will wake up with purpose. Knowing what you are set out to do that way. Doing this will reduce or eliminate any room for procrastination when you wake up. * PURPOSE DEFEATS PROCRASTINATION*. ( Make sure you read the STOP THIS blog, about procrastination.)

NOW after I have made my list, what I like to do is to spend a few minutes organising my list into the order which will allow me to get everything done most efficiently. For example, if my list of tasks is:
1 Go food shopping 
2 Go Gym
3 Send off a letter 
4 Go library & do coursework
5 Season up chicken for the week
6 Wash clothes 
7 check and send off emails

I'm going to complete the tasks in an order which allows me to smoothly go from one task to the other according to the location (This isn't always the best way to prioritise tasks btw). So using the example list above I would do it in this order: 4,3,7,3,2,1,6 & 5 as this way I'm able to do everything in a clear smooth order without going back and forth. It's like having a shopping list, you will want to do grab everything that is on the same aisle of each other before moving on. 

BE EFFICIENT. (Make sure you read the blog about efficiency.) 

AS you go through your day make sure your ticking tasks off the list. This is good for those of us who can feel pressured if we have a lot to do on one day. I can tell you from experience that ticking things off the list will lift a weight off your shoulders because you know that you are slowly getting through it. Furthermore, when you know you're getting through the list, you're going to feel more motivated to get through the day.  

DONT get sidetracked. Now I understand that life happens and things pop up during the day. BUT not everything that pops up needs to be dealt with/ explored. If it does then just deal with it as soon as and resume back to your tasks.
We shouldn't beat ourselves up if we aren't able to do everything we had written down on the list. That doesn't help anything. Instead, we need to put our energy into identifying why we weren't able to. 

GET TO BED ONTIME, NICE AND EARLY. Doing this will allow you to wake up nice and early with energy. 


Check out the Youtube version here.

Check out the podcast version here.

Be sure to connect with me on my socials
Instagram: @Grandadao
Twitter: @Grandadao_


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