Don't stress


I feel like we (yes I'm included) needed a reminder not to stress. It's so easy to feel under pressure or threatened with things that go on in our lives but we really need to do our best to stress as little as possible. 

I don't know anyone who stress is good for. Likely due to the fact that it's not good for anyone. 

Now I know that there are many people who excel when under pressure, but stress and pressure is not the same thing. 

So here are a couple things which can help anyone deal with stress:
- Exercise 
- Challenge negative thoughts 
- Plan big days & split up tasks 
- Tell someone about it

I want everyone to know that if you are feeling stressed, you will eventually get through it.
There's nothing wrong with looking in the mirror and affirming to yourself that 'Even though I am stressed right now, I will get through this'. This definitely works for me because I know that if I exercise, stay positive and talk to people about the issue, I will start to feel better. Sometimes I will even realise whatever it is stressing isn't even that big of a problem. 

Including the things stated above, here's some other healthy things which I know will help me:
- Going for walks
- Listening to my favourite music 
- Writing out my problems 
- Meditating 
- Playing Basketball

Now don't be deceived, I definitely have unhealthy things which will make me happy, like 6 packets of double stuffing Oreo's (trust me I've done it  before) but we all know why thats not a good idea. 

Obviously it depends on the situation but in general the best thing I would recommend is to talk to someone about it. When you talk to people about what your going through, it relieves a bit of the weight from your shoulders and they will now be able to help you as much as they can. 
People can't help us if they don't know whats wrong with us. 

Additionally you are always free to seek professional help at your local GP. If you are a university student then there is a chance your school has a Mental health adviser which you can speak to. 

Knowing ourselves is important because if we know ourselves then we can de-stress using which ever method works the best for us. 

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