Why do we hide our L’s?

I get that it's humiliating, embarrassing, personal, shameful, it feels wrong and weird to talk about.

As if it's illegal 

Hiding L’s makes it seem as if we don't take them
As if we our the only one who has taken that L. 
Doing this only isolates us when we are going through it. 

Be aware that people are going to laugh but ONCE you have ACCEPTED IT. It shouldn't bother you. I know that when I messed up my hair cut everyone was laughing, and back then, I was embarrassed because WHOO is proud of a dead trim? but now that I've gone through it and accepted that I messed up. I honestly do not care. I'll laugh myself. Maybe because its much easier to talk about something we've gone through, rather than something we are currently going through. But its still a step closer. 

I think we should start being more open about them. When we all open and honest about our failures it makes everyone else feel more comfortable to talk about there's. If we can't talk about what we've been through then how can we talk about what we're going through. 

In reality everyone fails and has L’s.  

Opening up about something we've accepted, doesn't make us vulnerable. 

I got beat up TWICE in secondary school. Did I lie to people about it? yes. Was I embarrassed and ashamed? yes. It took me a while but eventually I accepted it and now it doesn't bother me. 

Acceptance is probably the key and the first step here. Where the steps lead? I'm not so sure just yet... 
Hopefully I'll find out in the years to come. 


Be sure to let me know what you think.

The message is the same but the delivery is different..
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