12 Secrets to Positivity - How to Stay Positive In Lockdown or just general life

 How to always stay positive 

I’m going to give you 12 secrets to always stay positive and after you know all 12 of these you will have the ability to control your mind frame and keep it positive 

Understand why it’s important to be positive 

you have to stay positive because literally speaking positive means up. Therefore in a way seeing things with a positive mindset is looking up and looking for the good/ better side of things. Whichever way your head is positioned is the way you will naturally go. This is why people say to keep your head up, they want you to stay positive so you can see positive and move in that direction even if you have failed at something.  

Have a growth mindset 
Having a growth mindset is key to so much and in this case, it will allow you to bounce back from any bad situation or experience. I've written about growth mindsets more here.

Challenge every and any negative thought 
Anytime you get a negative thought in your head you have to stop right there and challenge it. Fight it even. Imagine that there's a little devil on your shoulder whispering all of these negative thoughts into your ear, so brush that devil off your shoulder and continue with only your positive thoughts. 

Change your perception until you see the positive 
Sometimes all you have to do to see the positive is change your perspective on a situation. Imagine your perspective was a dodecahedron (a 12 sided dice) that you can just keep on rolling until you find a number that works for you ( a positive perspective of course). Now I understand that in some situations this is far easier in theory than the practical so it is up to you to decide when this approach is suitable. This leads us to the next point. 

Focus on the positive side not the negative 
So from the last point, you understand that there are various perspectives on the same situation this means that some will be positive and some will be negative. It is completely up to you to decide what you choose to pay attention to. The more you pay attention to the positive the better the positive will seem and the negative sides will be minimised.

Positive affirmations 
Positive affirmations are so so so so so powerful. I would honestly recommend everyone looks into them to see how they can use them for their own benefit because I think everyone can benefit from them in some shape or form. In short positive affirmations are when you repeat a word or short phrase a couple times to yourself or look in the mirror saying it. By doing this you are forcing these positive thoughts into your conscious and subconscious brain and will begin to naturally feel far more uplifted.

‘ the master failed more times than the student tried’
This ties into the growth mindset mentioned earlier. I've specifically included this quote because a lot of us get dishearted when we experience failure but this quote reminds you that in order to become a master in anything you first have to undergo and experience many failures. furthermore, failure is apart of the process and when you experience failure you are getting closer to success so you shouldn't feel down because of failure.  

Every time you fall get back up
To stay positive you have to keep getting back up any time you fall because if you stay down for too long eventually you may not want to get up again and get comfortable being down. Getting back up can force you to be positive because you want to succeed and you know you can't do that being negative. Additionally when you know that every time you get knocked down you get back up, when you get knocked down you will stay positive because you've done it 1000 times already. 

Always try your hardest and leave it all on the court
I say this for two reasons. Firstly because if you know you're doing your best then how could you not be positive about the situation. You trust and believe in your ability to perform then you have to be positive right. Secondly, if you have already done your best then its the same thing but in reverse. You have given something your all, so how can you not be positive about a situation. 

Appreciate yourself for all the bad situations you’ve overcame 
You see, often we overlook all of the trials and tribulations we have successfully overcome and focus on our shortcomings. By doing this we start to doubt ourselves because we are focusing on the bad rather than the good like I touched on earlier. When we start to appreciate ourselves for all of the bad situations we have already made it though we start believing in our abilities to get through anything. 

Listen to uplifting/positive music, stop listening to depressing/sad music
One thing I can definitely say has helped me get through tough times and staying positive is listening to the right type of music. As much as I do listen to music which people can call sad or depressing, for me at least what works is by slowly working my way up to more uplifting music. Do not drown in your tears by just weeping in sad music all day, make a conscious effort to slowly start listening to more positive/uplifting music so it can bring your mood up. 

If your religious always have faith in God 
For all my religious or Theist readers I hope you never forget this yet I understand why we often do. There is so much going on in our day to day lives and even more going on in our heads, we try to calculate the future and control situations forgetting that at the end of the day we don't control most things. The only one who does is God and we all know that we should have faith and trust in God. If we know that God is with us and working in our favour then why would we not be positive?

If you want the 13th then you will have to watch this youtube video (skip to end if you wish)

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