Self-love itself is so big, so important and so simple but it isn't necessarily easy to implement. 

essentially appreciating yourself for everything that you are currently, both your strengths your weaknesses. then wanting to build and improve on those weaknesses because you love yourself so you want to improve yourself 

Loving yourself means that you want the best for yourself. Not right now, but in the long term. so putting your long term needs over your short term desires. choosing the things which are going to better you or going to make you happier in the long run. next week, next month or next year down the line. Putting your long term needs over your short time desires is hard, in some situations we will struggle to decide what is more important, our short or long term wants and desires.  This is where self-discipline comes into the picture. In this modern-day and age we always just want what will benefit us in the now and not the future if we always satisfy our short term desires we often won't reach our long term ones. Loving yourself is directly linked to self-discipline, you will have to say no to things you may want to do and other times you will have to say yes to things you may not want to do because you know it will benefit you in the long run.

Here is an everyday example of self-love taking self-discipline that I think a lot of us can relate to; making sure we take some time out of our day to meditate, pray or read even though we really want to go watch some Netflix or stay on our social media. To me, that is self-love right there, even if it's really small. It's still self-love, and that takes discipline. 

Self-love is contextual to you and you alone. If you're a workaholic and you have been working all day, then you might have to force yourself to step away from work and watch some TV. On the flip side if you're lazy and the piece of work you have been avoiding is starting to pile up or is meant to be submitted soon then self-love for you would be you going and getting on with that work. As I said earlier self-love is different for everyone as everyone has unique situations but the one thing they often all have in common is that it takes self-discipline.  

Self-love is the #1 most important thing. Never forget that. 

Thank you for the read Growth Family, that's it for today!

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