

  HOW TO STUDY, even when you can't. First of all I think we should address some of the few reasons why you haven't done any work. Please take in mind this is written for people who are in a good place mentally, if your mental health isn't good at the moment then it is a valid reason for you to put off work in my eyes. This may not be for you so I would suggest that you read the mental health piece I have written here about how to improve it.  1. You feel as if you shouldn't be doing work, you believe that because we're in a pandemic school should not be giving you all of this work to do right now and because of that, you refuse to do it, like a silent protest.  2. The reason you can't do work is that it isn't a priority for you. There are all of these other things you would rather be doing like being on social media, playing video games, exercising, going on walks etc. So you just keep putting your work to the side to do all of the things which you want to


  TOP TIPS HOW TO IMPROVE / MAINTAIN MENTAL HEALTH Welcome back or welcome to The Growth Family if joining us for the first time. This blog has been FILLED to the brim with mental health tips & advice and by the end of this video you will know how to look after your mental health  Creative Time The first way you can improve/maintain your mental health is by having creative time. Setting aside time to just have fun and be creative is so important because it allows you to completely zone out from the outside world and just enjoy yourself. You do not have to be the best at it to have fun, you're only doing it for you and you alone. These are just some of the many things you can do during your creative time: write, draw, build with leggo, make music and Tik Tok. Positivity Learn how to stay positive. I spoke about why it's important to stay positive earlier so click here to digest that if you haven't already. So how do you stay positive? By doing positive affirmations, lis

Beginners introduction to meditation, WHAT YOU NEED to know

READ THIS BEFORE YOU MEDITATE Welcome back growth family or welcome to The Growth Family. Today is an introduction to meditation  To summarise meditation to a simple sentence I would say that meditation is the practice of thinking deeply or focusing your mind for a set period of time. However, it is used for far more than just that.  There are so many benefits to meditation, some of which have been scientifically proven such as helping with chronic illnesses like depression, heart disease and chronic pain. However, not everyone who meditates mediates for these benefits specifically. Actually, the most popular use of meditation is for stress management. Other than this other common reasons people meditate for is a clear mind, to improve mental health, work on their chakras and/or identify physical problems with their body. There are 7 types of meditation: Mindfulness meditation  Transcendental  Guided  Vipassana Meditation  Metta (Loving-kindness) meditation  Chakra meditation  Yoga med


SELF LOVE MADE SIMPLE Self-love itself is so big, so important and so simple but it isn't necessarily easy to implement.  essentially appreciating yourself for everything that you are currently, both your strengths your weaknesses. then wanting to build and improve on those weaknesses because you love yourself so you want to improve yourself  Loving yourself means that you want the best for yourself. Not right now, but in the long term. so putting your long term needs over your short term desires. choosing the things which are going to better you or going to make you happier in the long run. next week, next month or next year down the line. Putting your long term needs over your short time desires is hard, in some situations we will struggle to decide what is more important, our short or long term wants and desires.  This is where self-discipline comes into the picture. In this modern-day and age we always just want what will benefit us in the now and not the future if we always sa

12 Secrets to Positivity - How to Stay Positive In Lockdown or just general life

  How to always stay positive   I’m going to give you 12 secrets to always stay positive and after you know all 12 of these you will have the ability to control your mind frame and keep it positive  Understand why it’s important to be positive  you have to stay positive because literally speaking positive means up. Therefore in a way seeing things with a positive mindset is looking up and looking for the good/ better side of things. Whichever way your head is positioned is the way you will naturally go. This is why people say to keep your head up, they want you to stay positive so you can see positive and move in that direction even if you have failed at something.    Have a growth mindset  Having a growth mindset is key to so much and in this case, it will allow you to bounce back from any bad situation or experience. I've written about growth mindsets more here. Challenge every and any negative thought  Anytime you get a negative thought in your head you have to stop right there

An Introduction To The Growth Mindset

An Introduction To The Growth Mindset   - Carol Dweck came up with this concept.  For people who don’t know, firstly what is a mindset? A mindset is formed by a group of previous thoughts and beliefs which you have accepted and allowed to shape present your thoughts.  Accepted thoughts are what direct & control your emotions & actions and your actions create your life.  A growth mindset is believing that you can always do better and succeed. Regardless of your natural abilities, b orn talent may give certain people a head start but people with dedication and hard work can create success.  This mindset isn't just about talent, it is about not giving up and believing you can always do better. You see, with a growth mindset when you do fail, you look for ways to improve, adapt accordingly and then you go back at it. Even when you are doing good you identify how you can improve on top of that.  You're an optimist. Always looking on the bright side. Now. The opposite of a gr

How To Create Or Break A Habit

 How To Create Or Break A Habit  This blog is made to give you the information you need to make or break a habit.  Using this I’ve successfully been able to make going to the gym a habit and break bad eating habits  Therefore by the end of this blog, you will know how to create a good habit you desire or break a bad habit you currently have.  At the epicentre of every habit is a neurological loop. This neurological loop consists of three parts which are: Cue - routine - reward  Cue is the thing that triggers the loop. These can be hard to identify when breaking a habit. So it’s best to deal with the other two first when trying to break a habit. When creating a habit this is the thing which we are going to use to trigger the habit we want to create. Routine is the most obvious part, it’s the behaviour you want to develop, change or stop/prevent. Rewards. Rewards satisfy cravings, and cravings can drive our behaviour. You have to experiment with rewards to see what satisfies the urge.  F