Welcome back or welcome to The Growth Family if joining us for the first time. This blog has been FILLED to the brim with mental health tips & advice and by the end of this video you will know how to look after your mental health 

Creative Time

The first way you can improve/maintain your mental health is by having creative time. Setting aside time to just have fun and be creative is so important because it allows you to completely zone out from the outside world and just enjoy yourself. You do not have to be the best at it to have fun, you're only doing it for you and you alone. These are just some of the many things you can do during your creative time: write, draw, build with leggo, make music and Tik Tok.


Learn how to stay positive. I spoke about why it's important to stay positive earlier so click here to digest that if you haven't already. So how do you stay positive? By doing positive affirmations, listening to some music that's good vibes (none of that sad stuff sorry) and by having a growth mindset. Additionally, drop your guard and allow others to rub their positivity off on you (like what happened to me in I've been influenced). Make sure you check those out if you haven't already. 


Exercise impacts your mental health too, I've briefly spoken about this a few times here and there. When you exercise your brain releases endorphins and makes you feel good. As so many of us have been forced away from our gyms we have all learnt there are lots of ways to exercise whether it's going for walks outdoors or doing bodyweight exercises indoors, it all helps. I'm no fitness specialist so you will have to check out the pros for that. Check out THIS piece where I explain why gym is about more than just working on your body. 

Talk To People

Speak to people, positivity rubs off and speaking to people about what you're going through it lifts a weight off your shoulder. it really is important that we remember our friends and family are not therapists so we should respect their boundaries and not expect them to embody our issues but they will often still be more than happy to just listen to you. be sure to check out the professionals too, you can find them here:

Social Media Detox

Try going on a social media detox, now I've been on a social media detox myself so if you want to see me talk about my experience then watch this. Social media can often invade our boundaries and ruin our peace which always needs protecting. There so much negativity on social media and micro triggers that it can easily drain you of your energy so it is possible you need time away from it. Try the post and go strategy where you literally just post whatever you want then come back off without diving into timelines. Or you can unfollow, mute and block things which you don't want to see or pages that post things which you don't want to see, remember it's your social media and your have also of the control. To learn how to break social media addiction watch this


Meditation is where I think it's at, to be honest. Personally, it has done wonders for me and many other people would say the same so I think you should see what it can do for you. If you're interested in meditation then read this introduction to meditation piece I recently wrote. I understand that sitting down and meditating may not be for everyone so try spending time in your local park or garden when theirs not too many people around and just enjoying the sounds of nature. 

Some other suggestions include:

Tidy room, tidy mind. Keep your room tidy. It helps. Many people even say the state of someone's room represents the state of their mind...

Vibes / Ante up to your favourite music 

Pray & study your religion, get involved online if possible 

Create a routine (To learn how to do that read this.)

Try to eat healthy as possible, stay hydrated and get good sleep because they all have a strong impact on your mood.

Feel lost? Pick up a new hobby, learn something new, start reading. Study yourself, know yourself, find yourself, find your purpose, learn what works for you when your down so you can always get back up...

*Read know yourself blog* 

Thank you for the read Growth Family, that's it for today!

Remember to follow the blog!


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